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SAND LAND: Dev Diaries - Episode 3 : Base Development

Let’s get back in the SAND BOX with episode 3 of our dev diary series! Today, we're learning all about the base camp you can build and develop in #SAND LAND.


Samanta: Hello and welcome back to the SAND BOX!


Keishu Minami: Hello. I'm Keishu Minami and I am in charge of producing Sand Land!


Samanta: In the last time, you mentioned that Beelzebub and his companis will build a "base camp" where they will base their adventures. Could we hear more about that today?


Keishu Minami: Yes, the base is a place that will assist you in your story as you explore the world of Sand Land. It is located in the Spino, in the center of Sand Land, and you will stop by many times as you progress through the story. At first, there are not many people, but as you complete sub-quests, the number of residents and buildings will increase, and the area will develop and grow.


Samanta: Okay, it's a pretty important place. You mentioned last time that it was related to a subquest…


Keishu Minami: The base is initially not very well populated, but you can develop the base by completing key sub-quests. As you can see in the video, the base becomes more and more crowded.


Samanta: You add more people to the base through subquests, and there are more things you can do!


Keishu Minami: That's right. In addition to the Shop, Customize, and Paint that I mentioned in the last DevDiary, you can also create your own Housing which you can lay out in your own room. You can arrange furniture and vehicles, change the wallpaper, and arrange it in your own way as a place to take a break during your adventures.


Samanta: The base is not only a place to help you in your adventures, but it's also a place where you can show your commitment.


Keishu Minami: That's right. The base is also a place that gives us a sense of the expansiveness of the world of Sand Land. We hope that you will get involved with the various characters in this world from the perspective of Beelzebub, the demon, and that you will help those in need by fighting and helping them at times, and that you will continue to develop the base as it grows.


Samanta: Thank you again for introducing a key element in the game!


Keishu Minami: Thank you for hanging out with us, and don't forget to follow the official SAND LAND accounts linked below for the latest updates! Bye bye! See you later…


SAND LAND will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam


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Dive into a desert world where both humans and demon suffer from an extreme water shortage. Play as and watch the Fiend Prince, Beelzebub, Sheriff Rao and demon Thief set off on an adventure in search of a Legendary Spring hidden in the desert.

Xbox Series X|S