Thank you so much for participating in the Open Beta Test for “My Hero Ultra Rumble”!
Report on OBT Results
Number of downloads: 585,619 - Thank you for your participation and cooperation in the survey!
Average Satisfaction: 4.34 out of 5 (a 91% positive response)
- Dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied: 2%
- Can't say either way: 7%
- Satisfied, Somewhat satisfied: 91%
Play Data
Various play data from OBT will be presented.
Top 3 Characters
Top 3 Costumes
Characters with Highest Win Percentages (Worldwide)
#2. Izuku Midoriya - 27.05%
#3. Tsuyu Asui - 26.53%
Most Used Quirks (Worldwide)
Rank Distribution
Thank you for playing the OBT.
Your participation and survey responses will help us make further improvements for its release in Fall 2023!