

After nearly 4 years, ACE COMBAT INFINITY servers are about to end. The game’s closure is confirmed on March 31st, 2018.


I'm unable to find appropriate words to express my gratitude for all of your support over the years. ACE COMBAT INFINITY has been in service for around 3 years and 8 months. If you take the Beta test into account, it has been 4 years. With ACE COMBAT INFINITY, I wanted to create a "community" for players and fans of aircraft games. It was a big challenge for us and things haven't always gone smoothly. However, thanks to your continued support, we have been able to gain invaluable experience and we believe that it's the right time for us to end the service. Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to express my extreme gratitude to all fans and players. In addition, I'd like to thank all project members for all of their efforts in creating this game. It has been 10 years since the last numbered title, but ACE COMBAT franchise will return in the form of ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN. Hardware platforms may change, but PROJECT ACES will continue to create ACE COMBAT experiences for you, the fans. Keep flying and I'll see you in the skies!” said Kazutoki Kono, ACE COMBAT Series Brand Director


More details about the closure schedule can be found at